Decree 141/2013/Vietnam on Higher education

(English – Tiếng Anh) DECREE 141/2013/ND-CP October 24, 2013 Detailing and guiding a number of […]

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Circular 01/2024/BGDDT/Vietnam on Standards for higher education

(English – Tiếng Anh) CIRCULAR 01/2024/TT-BGDDT February 05, 2024 On promulgation of the Standards for […]

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Law 08/2012/Vietnam on Higher education

CONSOLIDATED TEXT 42/VBHN-VPQH 2018 (Amending Law 08/2012/QH13) — CONSOLIDATED TEXT 42/VBHN-VPQH December 10, 2018 ON […]

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Decree 99/2019/Vietnam on Higher education

(English – Tiếng Anh) DECREE 99/2019/ND-CP December 30, 2019 Detailing and guiding the implementation of […]

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