Business lines in which investors can invest in Vietnam

Pursuant to:

Law 61/2020/QH14 on Investment (Law 61)

Decree 31/2021/ND-CP on Investment (Decree 31)

Note: The […] mark is the omitted content, the content in the [ ] mark is an additional note.

1. Prohibited business lines

[Article 6 of Law 61:

1. The business investment activities below are banned:

a) Trade in the narcotic substances […];

b) Trade in the chemicals and minerals […];

c) Trade in specimens of wild flora and fauna […];

d) Prostitution;

dd) Human trafficking; trade in human tissues, corpses, human organs and human fetuses;

e) Business activities pertaining to asexual human reproduction;

g) Trade in firecrackers.

h) Provision of debt collection services.]

2. Conditional business lines

[Article 7 of Law 61:

1. Conditional business lines are the business lines in which the business investment must satisfy certain conditions for reasons of national defense and security, social order and security, social ethics, or public health.

2. A List of conditional business lines is provided in Appendix IV ]

3. Business lines not allowed in market access

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